Saturday, January 18, 2020

The Cabin in the Woods

(Movie, 2011)

Awesome movie. One the greatest movies in this century. It starts off like that stereotypical teen horror movie but turns out to be totally riveting. Not commercial at all. What I like best is the thought that the producers made this not thinking of a finnacial possibility of a franchise: they really ended it as they want. 

PS: the ending is an orgasm for horror aficionados.

Casting & Acting:      9.0
Cinematography:        9.0
Plot/Story:            9.5
Overall Production:    9.0
Rating:              9.125

Lost in Space

(Movie, 1998)

The year is 1998 yet I don't understand why this movie is sooooo bad! I get it if is because of bad screenplay. Most of bad movies are because of bad writing. Or bad acting. Bad this one is bad EVERYTHING! For a futuristic movie, this sucked big time. I don't understand... Technology is already on its prime that year. WHY IS IT SO BAD?? :'(
Casting & Acting:        5.0
Cinematography:          4.0
Overall Production:      5.0
Plot/Story:              5.5
Rating:                  4.875