Sunday, April 26, 2020

Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)

(Movie, 2020)

Given that almost everybody, critics most especially, hated Suicide Squad, I thought this movie would be a disaster as well. Or at least a meager effort to redeem thyselves.

The trailers, I thought, gave out too much. They made them look like the movie is about an all-girl Suicide Squad. I thought it was a reboot. I was surprised to see it's practically a sequel. And I was more surprised that the script is not at all like a gritty Ocean's 8. 
 I agree with Harleen Quinzel, this looks like the perfect egg sandwich!

I like it's non-linear story-telling. It's interesting. Though I had to rewind a few times because it's fast-paced, I got lost. Nevertheless, the screenplay is smart. Even the scene where at first it thought was unnecessary, was actually a smart clever way to show how unstable and complicated the character is. 
It's a dark comedy. Not dark enough to make you visit a shrink though. If you want a good time, you can watch this.

Casting & Acting:     8.0
Plot/Story:              9.0
Editing:                   8.0
Sound/Music:           9.0
Overall Production:  8.5
Rating:                8.500

Battle Royale

(Movie, 2000)

3rd movie during this community quarantine:

I first watched this when it was widely mentioned and compared to HUNGER GAMES. I like the premise. It's vengeful and hateful but it has a hint of reality into it: when faced a life-or-death situation, people's deep nature come out. It's flight or fight. The characters turned from sweet, naive teenagers to killing machines in under an hour.

And yes, people nowadays are pampered and entitled. 
Perfect for your nightmare! ๐Ÿ˜‚

Search Results

Web results๐Ÿ˜‚


I'm sorry but i just find the acting a bit over the top. They look like they're having a seizure while being electrocuted. 
And question: when will his gun run out of bullets??!

Casting & Acting:      6.5
Plot/Story:             10.0
Editing:                    8.5
Sound/Music:            8.5
Overall Production:   9.0
Rating:                 8.500

Saturday, April 25, 2020

KINGDOM Season 1-2

Kingdom (South Korean TV series) - Wikipedia
TV Series, 2019-2020)

I did not watch this last year because I thought it was a period drama. It is only during the pandemic that I noticed it involves ZOMBIES! 

I have not watched Asian TV shows for a long time as I don't like reading subtitles. I find keeping my eye actively reading while watching the actors daunting. I do not mind 1-1/2 to 2-hour movies though. Asian TV series are mostly lengthy. I want shows that I can still understand even if I'm doing something else. You know, multi-tasking! But when I noticed that some Netflix shows are English-dubbed, and when I saw that Kingdom is only 6 episodes per season, I proceeded right away!

Kingdom is like GAME OF THRONES-WORLD WAR Z mashup: it's about politics, power-grabbing, plus really fast zombies. It's good. It makes me bawl for Philippine TV. 

I knew from the start the Queen is  the truest spawn of evil. 

Do not disturb the nurse - she's still working on a vaccine for this pandemic. 

Note: I would not officially rate this series. For TV shows, I only rate an episode. Highly recommended, though.